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Heroin Addiction: What You Should Know

Otherwise known as opioid use disorder, heroin addiction is a form of substance abuse that can change a person’s behavior and mind, inducing negative feelings and health concerns. Heroin can be smoked, snorted, sniffed, or injected. It’s highly addictive and may begin with some prescribed medications such as painkillers. If a person is addicted to prescribed medications but can’t get them anymore, they are likely to consume illegal drugs like heroin to continue feeling the pleasure. Heroin triggers your brain to release the dopamine chemical, a hormone associated with feeling “good.” It changes your brain’s functions such that it continues to seek that reward every time you consume heroin.

Who is at Risk?

Anyone can become addicted to heroin. However, a person taking opioids is more likely to have a heroin addiction. According to a study, the following are the risk factors for developing heroin addiction:

  • Personal or family history of drug addiction
  • Unemployment
  • Heavy tobacco use
  • Exposure to risky environments or poor company
  • Medical history of anxiety and depression
  • Prolonged use of opioids.

If you or anyone you know shows symptoms of heroin addiction, seek help from professional heroin addiction centers near you to address these health concerns effectively.

Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction might not be easy to identify at first. However, its symptoms may be difficult to hide if the person continues abusing heroin over time. Signs of heroin abuse include:

  • Reduced sense of pain
  • Constipation
  • Nose snores
  • Runny nose
  • Memory problems
  • Needle marks
  • Depression
  • Constricted pupils
  • Slurred speech
  • Drowsiness or agitation
  • A decline in personal hygiene
  • Problems at work or school
  • Showing dangerous behaviors such as gambling, stealing, lying, fighting, etc.


Treating Heroin Addiction

Treating addiction requires a combination of treatments. Effective treatment will include behavioral therapies, psychiatric help, psychological counseling, drug detoxification, family support, and medications to reduce withdrawal symptoms. The type of treatment plan also depends on:

  • The patient under treatment
  • The substance that’s abused
  • Any other medical condition that coexists with addiction

The Bottom Line

Heroin addiction is a serious condition that can affect your lifestyle as well as your physical and mental wellbeing. If you are someone you know has shown signs of heroin addiction, reach out to us at MD MATT. Our suboxone doctors in Maryland offer effective and affordable drug addiction treatment. Contact us here.