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Drug Addiction: Effects on The Developing Brain

The brain starts to develop as soon as a kid is conceived and continues to develop throughout time, becoming increasingly sophisticated. Multiple decades are needed for the brain to finish developing. In actuality, brain growth continues until about the mid-twenties. It’s crucial that children get adequate sleep, consume a healthy diet, and seek treatment for any severe trauma like a brain injury. Teenagers must also be monitored for signs of drug addiction or alcohol addiction. Substance abuse or addiction can seriously slow down brain development and may have lasting effects. The results can sometimes be irreversible.

Importance of Brain Development In A Teenager

The teenage years are a crucial time for brain development. Teenagers are developing their personalities and essentially becoming the people they will be for the majority of their lives. They are also picking up a lot of new abilities and developing the attributes they’ll need to be mature, responsible individuals. Their developing brains are more adaptive to all kinds of experiences since this is the optimum age to learn new things. However, this also increases their desire to experiment with mind-altering substances and puts them at risk of incurring harm.

Effects Of Drug Addiction On Adolescent Brains

Teens who use drugs typically fall behind in many crucial areas of cognitive development, such as:

  • The capacity to handle one’s emotions
  • Intuitive perception
  • Memory
  • Emotional maturity
  • Discovering new ideas
  • Decision-making abilities
  • The capacity to prepare or anticipate
  • The capacity to finish tasks

The risk that these factors will persist throughout one’s lifespan increases with the duration of drug use. The following are possible long-term consequences:

  • Reduced IQ
  • Lifelong memory loss
  • Slower ability to process information
  • Mental illnesses
  • Inability to coordinate
  • Delayed response time
  • Higher likelihood of alcohol addictionand dependency

Can Teenagers’ Brains Recover From Substance Use Damage?

Your teen may struggle to solve difficulties if drug usage has had a long-term negative impact on their brain. Additionally, they will have trouble remembering things, and their mental growth will be hampered. Also, they could have trouble motivating themselves and might even act violently and disruptively. If drug usage persists, there is a greater chance that the teen may experience difficulties in school and life. Poor test results and the requirement to retake classes could result from this substance use. Concerns stemming from poor brain development may extend beyond the classroom and impact your child’s capacity to pursue higher education, secure employment, and maintain fulfilling relationships. If your teen is experiencing substance abuse, check out MD M.A.T.T. in White Marsh. We are a drug detox center that provides help to our patients by providing drug addiction treatment, suboxone treatment, and alcohol misuse treatments. You will find compassionate and professional medical staff who will take proper care of you. Book an appointment by getting in touch with us.